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Modern Work Space


Offshore Recruitment

Outsourcing Alternative

Our History and Mission

I started my journey with remote staffing and outsourcing nearly a decade ago, while residing abroad. I initiated a venture in social philanthropy to aid US Expats in securing remote employment with American companies. This endeavor evolved into facilitating the establishment and staffing of offices in Israel, India, and the Philippines for various companies. Over the years, I have assisted hundreds of skilled professionals from economically diverse countries in securing remote positions with US companies. Throughout this journey, I have contributed to millions of dollars in cost savings for US enterprises, all the while upholding high standards of service quality and work ethic among offshore employees, mirroring those expected from onshore counterparts.



After close to a decade of experience in offshore recruitment, outsourcing and remote team-building, Global Manpower acquired a comprehensive understanding of diverse cultures, language opportunities, individual personalities, talent pools, power and internet infrastructure, economies, and salary scales across the globe, which has been  imperative for recruitment. This understanding is crucial not only to fill open positions but also to source talent that adds substantial value, enabling companies to scale at unprecedented speed and efficiency.


Team Management

Effectively training and managing a global remote team can be a daunting task, even for well-established companies. Global Manpower brings extensive experience and knowledge to address these challenges, ensuring your business remains secure and operational without interruption. Key elements such as communication strategies, remote workforce training, and remote workflow management are essential for the success of a company staffed with talent from around the world. Employing sophisticated software and dedicated staff to monitor remote offshore teams, coupled with fostering a proactive and engaging company culture, facilitates fluid communication, builds trust, and fosters longevity.


Compliance and HR, Liability, IT, and Payroll

Global Manpower assumes responsibility for all necessary requirements, allowing your business to operate with confidence, knowing that all regulatory and procedural aspects are meticulously attended to. This encompasses ensuring proper contracts and agreements with each staff member, providing HIPAA training where applicable, obtaining necessary insurances, managing background checks, setting up IT infrastructure according to specifications, and establishing payroll processes in the most cost-efficient and seamless manner for your remote offshore team.

Image by Moti Abebe

Reach out today to explore how your business can effectively harness the power of global talent for a more robust and streamlined staffing solution.

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